65 Millard drive, Franklin, Ohio 45005


Birthday Parties
Corporate parties
Open Bowing
Bowling Leagues
Sand Volleyball Leagues

How much pizza does my party include?

(2) 16” pizzas are included in the base package and you get an additional pizza for each extra lane that is bought.

What if I have more than 10 kids?

You may add an additional lane for $45 which will include all the amenities for 5 additional kids.

Do I get my deposit back?

Your deposit will be deducted from the final bill when you pay for your party.

Do I need to bring plates and cups?

No. We will provide all the plates and cups for birthday Parties.

What if adults attending the party want to eat?

We offer an adult food package which includes two extra large pizzas and unlimited soft drinks for all adults attending the party for only $25.

Can I bring my own food in?

Strike Zone Lanes does not allow customers to bring in outside food or drinks in however you may bring an additional birthday cake or ice cream in. JD Legends has an extensive menu and it is all available from the snack bar.